Fresh Shot

Ginger and lemon juice may help reduce inflammation, soothe digestive issues, enhance immune function

Green Shot

Wheatgrass is high in nutrients and antioxidants, excellent source of vitamins and minerals, also high in chlorophyll and amino acids, helping you prevent oxidative stress and cell damage

Hot Shot

Helps fight off viruses, boots your energy levels and metabolism

Immunology Shot

Apple Cider lower glucose levels, help with digestive issues like constipation or acid reflux, antifungal, antibacterial &antiviral properties, reduce high cholesterol and improve weight loss

Nutritive Shot

Ginger shot boost your health with a great taste pairing with apple

Powerful Shot

Garlic regulate blood sugar levels, enhance fat burning, reduce hunger sensations, lower cholesterol & reduce bowel gas

Strong Shot

Anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant properties, digestive aids
