
Helps lower blood sugar levels

Dragon Bowl

Pitaya contains antioxidants, mucilages, ascorbic acid, phenols. It is rich in Vitamin C, it also contains B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and it has a high water content and has vegetable protein and soluble fiber.

$9.97 $9.97
Egypcian Curse

Pitaya contains antioxidants, mucilages, ascorbic acid, phenols. It is rich in Vitamin C, it also contains B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and it has a high water content and has vegetable protein and soluble fiber.

$10.97 $10.97
Energy Shot

Açaí is considered a super fruit, since it has a high content of antioxidants and nutrients, which gives it a unique characteristic: the reduction of the effects of aging.

$10.97 $10.97

With vitamin A, to improve the quality of eye vision


Helps the absorption of vitamins to improvement in body energy

Forever Young

Berries are loaded with antioxidant helping to keep free radicals under control and pairing wit coconut oil which is high in healtly fat helping to have a good healthy heart.

Fresh Shot

Ginger and lemon juice may help reduce inflammation, soothe digestive issues, enhance immune function

Glowing Green

Celery helps lower cholesterol, promote and overall health as it is rich in vitamin C, also cucumber are very rich in water, vitamin K, Copper, magnesium, potassium, fiber and electrolytes.

Good Habit

Super food greens combine with banana rich on fiber, potassium is an electrilyte which helps to conduct electricity throughout your body, making your heart beat and keeps the musles moving, also rich on vitamin B & C.

Green Blow

Strong combination with these greens helps to lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, lot of vitamins and minerals.

Green Booster

Quick way to boost your veggie intake and quench your thirst at the same time, ingesting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.



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