Power Booster

Pairing beets and carrots are powerful. Beetroots beats an impressive nutritional profile, low in calories, high in vitamins & minerals, carrots supports healthy eyes, health teeth and gums, wound treating ability.


Helps you hydrate, watermelon is 92% water which helps you feel full, cucumbers has flavanoids rich in antioxidants helping the body fight inflammation, berries are powerful antioxidant and do not rapidly boost your blood sugar, ideal choice for those who have diabetes.


Provides the substances that are the raw material for brain production of dopamine necessary to reduce the effects of stress

Summer Green

Helps to refresh body with cold fruits, which help to refresh the internal organs

Super Green

Antioxidant -rich food, regulate blood sugar levels, source of calcium, high in iron, promotes hair growth, prevent eye diseases.

Thai Tea
Toxic Cleanser

Fruit & vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that may boost the immune system and the ability to flush toxins from your body.


Produces an increase in stomach alkalinity, to avoid the acidity that produces gastric ulcers

Vanilla Protein

Coconut oil help you to reduce inflammation and arthritis, inmmute system boost (antibacterial, antifungal & antiviral) also improves memory and brain function.



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