Super food greens combine with banana rich on fiber, potassium is an electrilyte which helps to conduct electricity throughout your body, making your heart beat and keeps the musles moving, also rich on vitamin B & C.
Strong combination with these greens helps to lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, lot of vitamins and minerals.
Quick way to boost your veggie intake and quench your thirst at the same time, ingesting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Powerful combination of greens like spinach helps to detoxify the body from any toxins, promote weight loss, ginger reduce inflammation, fight germs.
Greens are miraculous antioxidant, chlorophyll has anti-inflammatory properties, rich with vitamins A,C, E & K helping to keep a strong bones.
Increases the elasticity of veins and helps the kidneys eliminate sodium to improve blood pressure
Pairing these yellow fruits rich with antioxidants, addind chia seeds will boost your energy with their richness in Omega-3 fatty acids, stimulate weight loss and prevent constipation.
It helps to improve a good digestion, colitis, gastritis and a sensation of abdominal fullness.